Online Statistics Manager
All the website statistics generated in real time

The complete web analytics reports in your Web Hosting Control Panel will let you watch pretty much all actions on your website. You’ll receive live info on the stress created in your hosting account and also the site traffic they have on an hourly, weekly and monthly basis. You’ll also find more information with regards to our system in general like the physical IP address, the Operating System, the variations of PHP and MySQL and others. Everything is sorted in sections for you to easily find it.
Server Information
Look at specifics of your server
If you wish to examine what’s the present release of PHP or MySQL as well as the Operating System of the web server where your hosting account is situated, simply go to the Server Data part of the Web Hosting Control Panel. There you will also get information regarding the mounted Perl modules, the incoming and outgoing mailing servers, in addition to the physical IP address of the hosting server.
You will find the web hosting server info table inside the Stats portion of the The BlogHotel Web Hosting Control Panel.
Access & Error Logs
Instantly detect any site general performance problems
The Access and Error Listings report info regarding the web server, such as details of web server access in addition to the types of glitches spotted during hosting server operation. You can get both kinds of info about the operation of your sites in the Online Statistics Manager area of your Web Hosting Control Panel.
The access log shows all the text files, image files, video files, etc. that people have got inquired to see with your web site, while the error log reports all alerts and faults the hosting server has spotted ever since the log file is created.
Website Reports
View your web site visitors live
Watching the web site stats of your website is the ultimate way to figure out how your Internet marketing strategy works out. From your Web Hosting Control Panel enclosed Internet statistics tools – Webalizer and Awstats, you can see the amounts of visitors that flock to your site, along with the amount of views they generate and pages they visit on a day–to–day, weekly and monthly basis.
To review the statistics info, go to the Website Stats area of the Web Hosting Control Panel and open up the stats file for a particular host. You don’t have to set up absolutely anything on your end. We start the stats as soon as your site goes online and begins generating visitors.
CPU Statistics
Keep track of your web sites’ server load
The hosting server’s CPU is really important for the communication between your website and its website visitors. The more complicated and resource–absorbing your web sites are, the more server resources and CPU time will be necessary for them to work.
Within the CPU statistics area of the Web Hosting Control Panel, you are able to keep track of the usage of CPU resources accumulated by each of your sites. This will enable you to take appropriate measures and optimize your sites if the CPU utilization allocation is exceeded. You can see comprehensive CPU statistics for every day and month as well as for an entire calendar year.