Any time you obtain a new website hosting account, your monthly payment is processed, the account is set up and as automatic as the entire process seems, there're always smaller things that are done manually. For a virtual or a dedicated server there're even more jobs to be done considering that these types of website hosting often need a manual setup, software installation & configuration, checking the server environment so as to guarantee that all things are working the way it should, etc. To fund the cost for the time and efforts all these tasks take, a lot of companies collect a one-time installation charge to be paid by their customers on top of the charge for the cloud web hosting. The fee often is valid for any new website hosting account being acquired and it's rarely given on the company’s web site, but it would appear on your checkout page.
Setup Fee in Cloud Web Hosting
Our cloud web hosting packages do not have any sort of installation fees or any other obscured charges by and large. When you order your account, we'll process your fee at once and then your account will be generated and activated by our system without delay. The total price that you will need to pay for the web hosting plan is identical all around - on our front, order and payment pages, and you will not notice or have to pay anything on top of that price any time. That is valid even if you acquire several accounts as it is our belief that creating trust is more important than gaining a few more dollars. The account activation is instant, therefore you will be able to proceed and start building your sites immediately.