PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7 and PHP 8 Support
Find out more about PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7 and PHP 8, why it’s great for have them all and ways to instantly switch in between several PHP versions.
PHP, which is an acronym for PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor, is one of the most popular reflective programming languages available out there. Any site or app built on PHP will run on a given web server on the condition that a PHP module is activated, which renders the language truly universal and it’s not really a big surprise that there are a couple of million web servers that support it and hundreds of millions of PHP websites hosted on them. PHP is preferred over HTML owing to the fact that it permits you to create a responsive website with an enormous number of options. A PHP-based social network, for instance, will serve unique web content to each user even though the page URL will not change. In comparison, HTML websites are static and the content on the pages can be modified only manually. Just like any other piece of software, PHP has different versions and the version that was used whilst developing a certain website must be installed on the server so that the site can run correctly.
PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7 and PHP 8 Support in Cloud Web Hosting
With our
cloud web hosting, you’ll be able to choose the PHP version that will be active for your web hosting account, since several versions are enabled on our servers. With just one click of the mouse, you will be able to switch between PHP 4, 5, 7 and whenever a new version is published in the future, we’ll include it in the Hepsia Control Panel without removing the previous versions. Thus, you will be able to host all the sites that you’ve created through the years. In contrast to lots of other hosting vendors, we won’t compel you to update such sites, because a script may be out of date, but this doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s vulnerable as you may have performed modifications to its code to fill safety breaches. For the sake of your convenience, you will even be able to specify a different PHP version for each website that you host in your hosting account.