A solid-state drive (SSD) is a media which uses flash modules so as to save data. The SSDs remain relatively new and more expensive than the classic hard disk drives (HDD), but they're considerably faster, so they are ordinarily used for Operating Systems and applications on both personal computers and servers. An SSD is preferred because it does not have spinning disks that restrict its speed and can cause overheating like it could happen with an HDD. A lot of companies use SSDs for caching purposes, so all of the website content which is accessed more often will be kept on such drives, while all the other content will be held on conventional HDDs. The main reason to use such a setup is to balance the cost and performance of their Internet hosting platform and to decrease the load on the HDDs caused by countless reading and writing processes.
SSD with Data Caching in Cloud Web Hosting
In case you host your Internet sites in a cloud web hosting account from us, you'll definitely notice their fantastic performance. The reason is that our cloud platform uses exclusively SSD drives for all of the files, emails and databases and we do not use HDDs for any part of the website hosting service. Together with the cutting-edge ZFS file system, this configuration will boost the speed of your websites considerably. For load-balancing, we also use numerous SSDs for caching purposes only. Any content which generates increased traffic or causes lots of reading/writing processes is duplicated on them instantly, so the load on the primary drives will be reduced, thus the overall performance of all Internet sites hosted with us will be better. The latter subsequently prolongs the life of the primary drives and decreases the possibility of a disk failure, which is one more warranty for the reliability of all content that you upload to your account.